Official Visit to TYT Penang together with the UAE Delegation

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|16 April 2024| – We are truly honoured to have the Tuan Yang Terutama (TYT) of Penang, Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi bin Haji Abdul Razak, graciously chairing a meeting at the TYT’s Official Residence in Penang. This meeting welcomed a delegation from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), including Mr. Tarek AL Ashram, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Gulf Data Hub (GDH), Mr. Essa Abdulla Al Ghurair, the President of Essa Al Ghurair Investment L.L.C., alongside our very own Director of Amat Bayu Sdn. Bhd (ABSB), Dato’ Ahmad Najmi bin Abdul Razak and Director of Tadau Energy Sdn. Bhd. (TESB), Dato’ Lim Wei Loong, who gathered to explore and further deliberate on the Data Centre Development Project in Penang, Malaysia.

We would like to take the opportunity to convey our heart-felt gratitude to TYT and the UAE delegation for taking the time to meet with us and to exchange invaluable insights and perspectives on the Data Centre Development Project.


RFP Invitation

|24 January 2025| – Amat Bayu Sdn Bhd (ABSB) would like to invite interested companies to participate in our RFP for Land Clearing, Nursery Setup